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July 05, 2007



Hi Marcus

Great observation - and amusingly put!

Yes seems everyone's copying Innocent's style at the moment. The problem is that many brands don't have product credentials that live up to their 'we are so pure and natural' imagery. Even Innocent's smoothies aren't organic, plus they don't use locally sourced ingredients. To their credit, I've noticed that Dorset Cereals have just released an organic option though



Guy Parsons

Great post!

It's true - for every person I know who likes this sort of thing, I know someone else who is rendered wretched and retching on all fours by what my flatmate calls "that twee f***ing bulls***."

As more companies use it, it's only a matter of time (in fact, we're probably already there) when it starts getting used in bad faith - as pure marketing sheen, rather than a voice representing the very heart of a brand and a business. Imagine:

COCA COLA: We take delicious things and add some more delicious things, then we mix them up a bit

And then it's devalued. Rapidly.

The lesson from Innocent isn't "talk in a babyish voice." It works for Innocent because they're a babyish company - or at least they were when they started. Small, pure, idealistic, and hopeful against the odds. Just as their oh-so-simple ingredients list was a refreshing change from the norm, so was their branding.

The key lesson is: if you obfuscate your message behind jargon, it looks like you've got something to hide. If you're a bunch of good people doing good work, talk about it openly and clearly - that's the path to respect.

Not necessarily tasty oodly chunks of lovely respect and stuff, though.

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  • 1. Everything is cultural (nothing can step outside of cultural representation)

    2. Culture is the richest repository of innovation and brand development ideas

    3. Inspiration exists in everything (cf. Paul Smith)

    4. Branding is an art (but science can help)

    5. Strategy cannot be divorced from execution (overlook design at your peril)

    6. Complex problems have simple, easy to understand, wrong answers (cf. HL Mencken)

    7. Diversity and inconsistency keeps life interesting for people (thus everything about this blog is subject to change)

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