Hey. I know what you’re thinking … he writes an annoyingly long post and then thinks he can bugger off on a blogging holiday for a few months!
I know it’s blogging etiquette around here (socially constructed ‘rules’, you see ;) to leave some kind of message when you do a disappearing act, so I’m sorry that I failed miserably on that front!
Particularly for letting Asi down, after his very kind plug. And also, for contributing to the more general silence that has been picked up by the 'always on' Faris ... blame Facebook I say! ;) Plus I was finally building up a semi-half-decent hit rate, or at least so my statcounter led me to believe, so please hang in there fellow cyber-dudes!
The truth is that the last month or so has been a bit tricky on many levels, work and personal, so blogging has taken a back seat. Even my RSS feeder is reaching atom-ic meltdown, so if I’ve missed any must-see posts (it could even be your own!) then please comment away …
I’m hoping a better service to resume very soon – not that I’m the most prolific at the best of times anyway ... I don’t know how some of you blogging machines do it! But full respect to y'all.
See you soon ... M
Welcome back.
Posted by: Faris | October 13, 2007 at 12:41 PM
Good to read interesting posts on your blog. Thanks.
Posted by: Joseph | February 08, 2010 at 09:36 PM